What is ski angels?

Ski Angels is one of our most successful Mission streams. Check it out here

can i bring a big group to the chalet?

Of Course! Subject to availability we can accept up to 12 short term guests per week.

Are there any pets in the chalet?

Yes, we have a lovely dog that has reign of the chalet. She is friendly and loves people.


what is esc meribel?

‘English Speaking Church’ Meribel. It is the beautiful alpine Chapel in the centre of Meribel. Meeting every Sunday and open to all.


what are open-house nights

These are an opportunity for the chalet to welcome in holiday makers and other seasonal workers to share in a meal at our fantastic chalet. Totally free to those outside the chalet as we feel it is an opportunity to build in friendships and relationships over the season.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions then please feel free to get in touch with us here.